
The Different Between Traditional Mass Media And IMC

For many years, traditional mass-media forms consisted by advertising and promotion like TV, radio and print media. In the past, the only advertising avenues were television, radio, billboards, and printed media. Ads in these media promoted the product or service for sale. Therefore, companies advertise their products and company by these traditional mass media. However, this traditional advertising form cannot adapt to the modern business system. First of all, as the technology developed, people move away their attention from the advertising on TV, radio and print media. So that mass media losing their viewers, readers, and listeners. Also, the digital media targets narrow audience, and consumers not content to be passive message recipients. Therefore, a new advertising model have presented in the late 20th century. Integrated marketing communications (IMC) uses all communication channels for marketing its message; it is a holistic approach to marketing communication. The approach of IMC include a combination of TV, magazines, newspapers, radio, outdoor/ambient, PR, direct marketing, online, sales promotion. As the Internet technic developed, online communication becomes a common way to communicate with people. Even business work use online communicates with clients. Integrated marketing involves multi-channels to target the customer rather than relying on one or two channels to do the job that is what traditional advertising relies on.

1.整合营销传播更为关注顾客。传统营销传播以4P’s为核心理念,是以产品为导向的营销传播理念。而整合营销传播以 4C’s为核心理念,是以顾客为导向的营销传播理念。关于4P和4C大家已经不再陌生。4P指的是产品Product,价格Price, 促销Promotion和地点Place,它所关注的是与产品相关的几个因素。而4C指的是:研究消费者想要什么 (Consumer want and need);理解顾客的成本并满足他们的需求(Cost);怎么方便怎么来买(Convenience);以沟通替代促销(Communication)。4C’s理论解释了营销必须从产品为中心的方式转向以顾客为中心的方式。
 3. “整合营销传播”理论更为注重“一对一”的传播。传统营销传播理论运用广告等营销方式、借助广播、电视、报纸等营销渠道,所倾诉的对象是广大受众。在这个层面上,它无法关注不同受众的具体要求,也无法针对不同受众满足他们个性化的服务。而整合营销传播试图从传统营销传播的“定位”方式入手,通过对顾客需求的分析和多种媒介手段的运用来满足顾客的个性化需求。

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    1. Thank you. I add the introduction of my blog in two languages. I will add the Chinese translation of my essay later.
