
The Communication Between Advertisers And Older Consumers

Hello every one, nice to see your guys on every Tuesday blog. This week I will talk about the communication between advertiser, especially the younger advertiser, and older consumers. I have saw an article about the older consumers in market, the older consumers used to be categorized as a single group called “senior citizens.” Over time they have been labeled in a slightly more positive light: Silver Foxes, Third-agers or Third-mooners. According to the article, it also mentions marketers frequently make the mistake of lumping in the baby boomers with seniors in their marketing campaigns (1). In this case, critics argue that many of the younger people who work in the creative departments of advertising agencies cannot develop ads that connect with older consumers because of the age gap. In honest, this situation exists in current advertising marketing. Nowadays, advertising usually uses some new words and revealing photos in the ad of products. This type of ads is working well in the younger segment. However, the older customers might not accept the ads that attract younger customers. Because of different concept, experience and living environment, the gap between younger advertiser and older customers is common for today. Furthermore, the purpose of advertising agencies is using advertising makes the sales of products go up. Thus, advertiser need create advertising in the consumers’ way. The only way to narrow the gap is analyze the older customers concept and life experience, then think in older customers’ way. Nowadays, the older customers more like the age of younger advertisers’ parents and grandparents. For the younger advertiser, to realize the older consumers just like realize their own parents and grandparents. Therefore, to narrow the gap is not impossible.

Paul Roberts and Jess Hill, The Senior Market: Turning silver into gold, from brandchannel webpage,

老年时期是人生的“银色时代”,因此老年市场被称为“银色市场”,老年消费群 体往往是一个不被企业营销者重视的群 体。老年用品单调,花色品种稀少,老年 人独特需要的商品短缺,老年人购买商 品时得不到应有的尊重和热情的服务, 等等。
时下,在一些大超市,各类商品琳琅 满目,服务行业也日趋“五花八门”。但 在实际生活中,几乎每位老年消费者都 有为买—种特殊服务或一件急需商品而 “跑断腿儿”、“问破嘴皮儿”却仍买不到 的经历。这说明老年人的需求没有得到 满足,适合老年人的商品与经营场地匮乏。
商品策略上,鲜明的商品特色是主题 超市创新的关键。据统计,2000年,健康消闲用品占老年市场销售额的51%,预计今 年这个比例还会提高。因此,超市宜以延年 益寿、强身健体、丰富晚年生活的各类商品 为银色市场的重点。
除此以外,还要重视经营多功能、多用途、舒适的老年人特殊用品和生活辅助用品。老年市场新产品的经营要特别注 意结构简单、性能良好、方便使用。同时,还 要注意产品差异化策略。
价格策略上,老年顾客对价格较为敏感,以经济实惠为购物标准,并往往以对价格的信赖确立对企业的信赖。值得注 意的是老年消费者在购买商品时,也不一味地追求低价格,品质和实用性才是 他们考虑的主要因素。老年用品定价要 做到质价相符,使老年人感到“童叟无 欺”,注意适时地实施折扣价、特价、优惠价等策略。
促销策略上,由于老年人不喜欢孤 独,又容易孤独,他们渴望与人接触,渴 望得到社会、家人的尊重和关注,因此在 营销的各个环节,都要用“情”贯穿始终, 处处为老人着想,注重情感沟通,以情促销。
在分销地点策略上,要注意购物的方 便,老年商店的销售宜靠近公共交通工 具和老年人容易到达的地方。在超市,老 年商品应设置在一层。大型超市可考虑 开设“银色商品”专柜,选派商品知识丰 富、态度热情、乐于为老年顾客服务的售 货员回答咨询,帮助选购。提供容易携带 的包装,有条件的超市可以开辟电视直 销、电话购物、网上购物等。(转自网络http://www.linkshop.com.cn/web/Article_Jygl.aspx?ArticleId=261)


Why Agencies Loss Or Gain Clients?

Hello everyone, nice to see your guys again. Last week we talk about the differences from traditional advertising and IMC. This week I will talk about why the advertising agencies lose or gain clients.
An advertising agency is a service organization that specializes in planning and executing advertising programs for its clients. Nowadays, more and more major companies use an advertising agency to assist them in developing, preparing, and executing their promotional programs. However, advertising agency also need analysis their business structure, in order to advertise themselves to the companies who need agency. As differences of agencies, agencies may lose their clients because of the poor performance or service, and poor communication. Agency is a service organization, so the service that the agency provides is most important element. Also, the communication between the agency and client is also necessary to sustain a favorable working relationship. In addition, a good working relationship is positive for avoiding the personality conflicts. The purpose of company that needs an agency is increasing the sales of their products. When sales of the client’s product or service are stagnant or declining, advertising may be seen as contributing to the problem. If the agency cannot contribute to the declining problem, they will lose their clients. In conclusion, the reasons why agencies lose their clients are poor performance or service, poor communication, personality conflicts, and the declining sales.
Different agencies may make different influences of company. Here is an example for Gillette work with a successful agency, Grey Group. The Grey Group helps Gillette succeeded in radically altering the way it operates. Grey is a full service integrated offering that includes strategic brand development and positioning, advertising, digital marketing and CRM, social media sponsorship and event planning for all OTC, DTC and HCP. They focus on accelerate the potential of their client's brands with powerful creative ideas across all touch points. In this case, the strength of Grey's ideas won the day, with Gillette opting to run the very work pitched during the review.
There is all the stuff I talk about in this week blog, hope your guys love it. I will post a new blog at next Tuesday.

Agency of the year, December 8, 2013, from Adweek webpage.


The Different Between Traditional Mass Media And IMC

For many years, traditional mass-media forms consisted by advertising and promotion like TV, radio and print media. In the past, the only advertising avenues were television, radio, billboards, and printed media. Ads in these media promoted the product or service for sale. Therefore, companies advertise their products and company by these traditional mass media. However, this traditional advertising form cannot adapt to the modern business system. First of all, as the technology developed, people move away their attention from the advertising on TV, radio and print media. So that mass media losing their viewers, readers, and listeners. Also, the digital media targets narrow audience, and consumers not content to be passive message recipients. Therefore, a new advertising model have presented in the late 20th century. Integrated marketing communications (IMC) uses all communication channels for marketing its message; it is a holistic approach to marketing communication. The approach of IMC include a combination of TV, magazines, newspapers, radio, outdoor/ambient, PR, direct marketing, online, sales promotion. As the Internet technic developed, online communication becomes a common way to communicate with people. Even business work use online communicates with clients. Integrated marketing involves multi-channels to target the customer rather than relying on one or two channels to do the job that is what traditional advertising relies on.

1.整合营销传播更为关注顾客。传统营销传播以4P’s为核心理念,是以产品为导向的营销传播理念。而整合营销传播以 4C’s为核心理念,是以顾客为导向的营销传播理念。关于4P和4C大家已经不再陌生。4P指的是产品Product,价格Price, 促销Promotion和地点Place,它所关注的是与产品相关的几个因素。而4C指的是:研究消费者想要什么 (Consumer want and need);理解顾客的成本并满足他们的需求(Cost);怎么方便怎么来买(Convenience);以沟通替代促销(Communication)。4C’s理论解释了营销必须从产品为中心的方式转向以顾客为中心的方式。
 3. “整合营销传播”理论更为注重“一对一”的传播。传统营销传播理论运用广告等营销方式、借助广播、电视、报纸等营销渠道,所倾诉的对象是广大受众。在这个层面上,它无法关注不同受众的具体要求,也无法针对不同受众满足他们个性化的服务。而整合营销传播试图从传统营销传播的“定位”方式入手,通过对顾客需求的分析和多种媒介手段的运用来满足顾客的个性化需求。


All about my blog 关于我的博客

Hello everyone, I'm Floweroxy. I'm a junior from Pittsburgh.
大家好,我是Floweroxy, 我是来自匹兹堡的一名大三学生。
OK, actually I'm an international student from China, so I will add some Chinese introduction for my each paper. (If I have free time.)
Ok, 实际上我是来自中国的留学生,所以在博客中我会加入一些中文的介绍(如果我有时间的话)。
This blog set up for my Advertising and promotion class. I will post some short paper and shared some things about advertising and promotion every Tuesday. Hope your guys will like it!
Because English is my second language, there probably has some grammar mistakes in my articles. Find them! Correct them! Write me a report, I will be happy to hear it! Thanks~
因为英语是我的第二语言, 所以不免当中会出现一些语法错误。如果你发现了,请指出来并且在评论中告诉我,我会很乐意改正。谢谢~